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Back-to-School Painting Projects For Your Home

It’s that time of year again, summer is already winding down, and it is time to get the kids ready for school here in the Grand Rapids area. One project to tackle every year, is getting the kids rooms ready for the new grade or school they may be attending. As they get older, their tastes and needs change. For younger children, a fresh coat of paint in a bright color can create a fun environment for them to be in, and get into the “school habits”. For middle school students, changing the pastel pink or blue from their childhood bedroom walls to bolder colors is a common request. For high school and college students, the bedroom becomes a personal retreat where they can express themselves and feel more like adults.

But now is the time to get started. We can help guide you through some of the considerations:

  • Establishing a good space for study. The right configuration of the room is key here!
  • Inspire their creativity – the right colors make a difference!
  • And make it age appropriate! They don’t stay little forever!
Colorful children's bedroom
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