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It’s November in Grand Rapids, family holidays are around the corner, snow and cold weather are on their way! However, your living room could use a new paint job to liven up your home for the holidays… Do you do it yourself, or hire a professional?

Every year, homeowners hire professional contractors to complete home renovations. Whether it is busy lives, or just a lack of expertise and equipment, hiring a professional painter to do the job just makes sense. But how do you know if you need to hire a professional painter, and what should I watch out for?

You can start by asking yourself these questions.

painted walls around stairs


Painters in the Grand Rapids area can be found anywhere… But the really good painters in Grand Rapids are few and far between.

Here are a few tips that you should take into consideration when hiring a Grand Rapids House Painter or a Painting Contractor (or any trade for that matter!).

If all else fails, check out the portfolio on our website! Service Pro Painters are painters who have been painting in Grand Rapids area for over 12 years. We are renowned for our great service, quality, and building long lasting relationships.

Give us a call at (616) 295-3885, we’d be happy to answer all of your questions!

Blue gable house

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